Internet-Draft Sigma Protocols April 2024
Orrù & Krenn Expires 20 October 2024 [Page]
Network Working Group
Intended Status:
M. Orrù
S. Krenn

Sigma Protocols


This document describes Sigma protocols, a secure, general-purpose non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge. Concretely, the scheme allows proving knowledge of a witness, without revealing any information about the undisclosed messages or the signature itself, while at the same time, guarantying soundness of the overall protocols.

About This Document

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Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 20 October 2024.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge allow a prover to convince a verifier that they know a secret piece of information, without revealing anything except that the claim itself already reveals. Sigma protocols, introduced by Schnorr in 1991, they play an essential component in the building of a number of cryptographic constructions, such as anonymous credentials, password-authenticated key exchange, signatures, ring signatures, blind signatures, multi-signatures, threshold signatures and more. This spec provides guidelines for correctly implementing Sigma protocols.

1.1. Terminology


the relation, potentially associated a to a name for disambiguation: the set of valid instances and witnesses for the proof system.


the instance: the public information shared between the prover and the verifier.


the witness. The secret information solely known by the prover. Note there may be multiple witnesses for a given Y.


The zero-knowledge proof output.

In a zero-knowledge proof, the witness is secret information, while the statement is public. A proof is a sequence of bytes attesting that a witness is in some relation with the statement.

Proofs described in this spec are zero-knowledge and sound. Zero knowledge means that the protocol does not leak any information about the prover's witness beyond what the attacker may infer from the proven statement or from other sources [@zkproof-reference 1.6.4]. Soundness means that it is not possible to make the verifier accept for statements for which no valid witness exists [@zkproof-reference 1.6.2].

In particular, we will focus on non-malleable extractable proofs, that is, proofs where the witness does not only exist but is also precisely known by the prover. These protocols are also known as proofs of knowledge [@STOC:GolMicRac85; @STOC:FeiFiaSha87; @C:BelGol92] and are said to satisfy knowledge soundness [@damgard04]. Non-malleability means that, in addition, the proof is secure against man-in-the middle attacks, and attackers cannot produce a new valid proof by tampering another valid proof.

1.2. Notation


A safe elliptic-curve group.

point_to_octets_GG(P) -> ostr

Return the canonical representation of the point P of the elliptic curve GG as an octet string. This operation is also known as serialization. Note that we assume that when the point is valid, all the serialization operations will always succeed to return the octet string representation of the point.

Additional notation will be introduced when describing specific algebraic objects.

1.4. Scope of this document

This document provides guidelines for secure implementations of Sigma protocols and is addressed to applied cryptographers and cryptographic engineers that are looking to implement a generic Sigma protocol as a part of larger protocols.

We consider the problem of having a high-quality entropy source well-suited for cryptographic purposes outside the scope of this document. We will not talk about implementation of cryptographic primitives such as hash functions, or elliptic-curve algebra, but we will provide references for where to find them. Furthermore, we won't provide any guidance for securely storing secrets or producing constant-time code.

2. Sigma protocols definition

In the following, we describe a generic interface for Sigma protocols. Such protocols can be used to prove that, for some binary relation R and a public value Y, a witness w such that (Y, w) is in R is known. Basic statements include proofs of knowledge of a secret key, openings of commitments, and more in general of representations. The type of these elements depends on the specific relation being implemented.

An important property of Sigma protocols is that they are composable: it is possible to prove conjunction and disjunctions of statements in zero-knowledge. Composition of Sigma protocols is dealt separately; for an in-depth discussion of the underlying theory we refer to Cramer [@cramer97].

2.1. Overview

Any Sigma protocol is structured as follows:

  • the prover computes a fresh commitment, denoted T. This element is sometimes also called nonce.

  • the prover computes, using the so-called Fiat-Shamir transform, a random challenge, denoted c.

  • the prover computes a response, denoted s, that depends on the commitment and the challenge.

The final proof is constituted of the three-elements above (T, c, s), and is also referred to as the transcript.

2.2. Abstract Sigma Protocols

We define a template class for Sigma protocols denoted SigmaProtocol. This is the basic interface that will be implemented remainder of this document. The methods composing SigmaProtocol should be considered private and SHOULD NOT be exposed externally. The public API is described later. Instances are created via the new function, which is a class method, while all other functions act on a particular instance. A SigmaProtocol consists of the following methods:

  •, Y), denoting the initialization function. This function takes as input a label identifying local context information ctx (such as: session identifiers, to avoid replay attacks; protocol metadata, to avoid hijacking; optionally, a timestamp and some pre-shared randomness, to guarantee freshness of the proof) and a statement Y, the public information shared between prover and verifier. This function should pre-compute parts of the statement, or initialize the state of the hash function.

  • (T, pstate) = SigmaProtocol.prover_commit(w), denoting the commitment phase, that is, the computation of the first message sent by the prover in a Sigma protocol. This method outputs a new commitment together with its associated prover state, depending on the witness known to the prover and the statement to be proven. This step generally requires access to a high-quality entropy source. Leakage of even just of a few bits of the nonce could allow for the complete recovery of the witness [@lattice-attack; @bleichenbacher; @CCS:ANTTY20]. The value T is meant to be shared, while pstate must be kept secret.

    In particular, we assume that there exists a function Serialize(T) that serializes the commitment T and that its size is fixed and implicitly determined by the statement Y.

  • s = SigmaProtocol.prover_response(pstate, c), denoting the response phase, that is, the computation of the second message sent by the prover, depending on the witness, the statement, the challenge received from the verifier, and the internal state generated by prover_commit. The value s is meant to be shared.

  • result = SigmaProtocol.verifier(T, c, s), denoting the verifier algorithm. This method checks that the protocol transcript is valid for the given statement. The verifier algorithm outputs nothing if verification succeeds, or an error if verification fails.

  • label = SigmaProtocol.label(), returning a string of 32 bytes uniquely identifying the relation being proven. Implementing this function correctly is vital for security, and it must include all data available in the statement, as well as the parameters and the relation being proven. The label will be used for computing the challenge in the Fiat-Shamir transform. Precise indications on how to implement this function will be given in the following sections.

    If the label is not tied to the relation, then it may be possible to produce another proof for a different relation without knowing its witness. Similarly, if the statement is not tied to the label, then it may be possible to produce proofs for another statement whose witness is related to the original proof.

The final two algorithms describe the zero-knowledge simulator. The simulator is primarily an efficient algorithm for proving zero-knowledge in a theoretical construction [@becafi19], but it is also needed for verifying short proofs and for or-composition, where a witness is not known and thus has to be simulated. We have:

  • s <- SigmaProtocol.simulate_response(), denoting the first stage of the simulator. It is an algorithm drawing a random response that follows the same output distribution of the algorithm prover_response.

  • T <- SigmaProtocol.simulate_commitment(c, s), denoting the second stage of the simulator, returning a commitment that follows the same output distribution of the algorithm prover_commit.

2.3. The Fiat-Shamir Transform

WARNING: Interactive Sigma protocols illustrated in this document MUST NOT be used interactively.

The interactive versions of the Sigma protocols presented in this document are not fit for practical applications, due to subtle yet impactful details in their security guarantees. In practice, public-coin protocols such as Sigma protocols can be converted into non-interactive ones through the Fiat and Shamir heuristic [@C:FiaSha86] and subsequent work, e.g., by Bernhard, Pereira and Warinschi [@AC:BerPerWar12].

The underlying idea is to replace the verifier with a cryptographically secure hash function, hashing the context from the protocol and the previous message sent by the prover.

2.3.1. Computing the challenge and seeding the commitment

Relying on a hash function allows us to both compute the challenge and generate the commitment securely. We define the following auxiliary variables that may be pre-computed during the call of, Y). All variables will have fixed length DIGEST_LEN so to avoid canonization attacks. Seeding the commitment

The method SigmaProtocol.prover_commit() is a randomized function that generates a random element, unique per each execution. The commitment should be seeded as follows:

If the output length DIGEST_LEN of the hash function is not sufficient to provide enough entropy for the commitment, the seed may be expanded with a PRNG to provide the quantity of random bytes desired. Computing the challenge

The method SigmaProtocol.challenge(T) is implemented as follows in order to produce a random challenge.

This method is fixed for all implementations of SigmaProtocol. Note that the state of the hash function is partially shared between the commitment seed inputs and the challenge computation. Implementors may choose to store the partial hash state before generating the commitment, and reuse it when computing the challenge.

2.3.2. Non-interactive proofs

We define two public methods for generating proofs, meant to be exposed externally: short_proof, and batchable_proof. Since the challenge is computed deterministically from the commitment and the statement, it is not necessary to include the full transcript in a proof, as it can be deduced in the verification phase.

Short proofs are the most efficient if the protocol contains at least an AND composition, and the gain in size is measured as |T_vec| - DIGEST_LEN. (Note: the length of the commitment is the length of the statement.) Batchable proofs are the canonical forms of proofs. Provers in the batchable form may raise an exception if the statement is not valid. Proofs are seen as fixed-length bit strings, whose exact length can be inferred from the statement during initialization of the Sigma protocol.

::: remark Witness validation In the following we assume correctness of the witness w for the given statement Y. This can be ensured, e.g., by a higher-level application, or by running SigmaProtocol.verifier(T, c, s) before sending the resulting proof. :::

2.3.3. Batchable Proofs

Prover algorithm.


(T_vec, pstate) = SigmaProtocol.prover_commit(w)
c = SigmaProtocol.challenge(T)
s_vec = SigmaProtocol.prover_response(pstate, c)
return (Serialize(T_vec), Serialize(s_vec))

The challenge c is not provided within a batchable proof since it can be re-computed from the commitment.

Verifier algorithm.


(T, s) = Deserialize(proof)
c <- SigmaProtocol.challenge(T)
return SigmaProtocol.verifier(T, c, s)

WARNING Input validation The case of batched verification must include an input validation sub-routine that asserts the statement and commitments are in question. In the case of elliptic curves, this boils down to point validation. Failure to properly check that a commitment is in the group could lead to subgroup attacks [@EC:VanWie96; @C:LimLee97] or invalid curve attacks [@C:BieMeyMul00; @RSA:BBPV12].

2.3.4. Short Proofs

Prover algorithm.


(T, pstate) <- SigmaProtocol.prover_commit(w)
c <- SigmaProtocol.challenge(T)
s_vec <- SigmaProtocol.prover_response(pstate, c)
return (Serialize(c), Serialize(s))

The commitment T is not provided within a short proof since it can be calculated again.

Verifier algorithm.


(c, s) = Deserialize(proof)
T <- SigmaProtocol.simulate_commitment(c, s)
expected_c <- SigmaProtocol.challenge(T)
return (c == expected_c)

If input parsing fails, an exception should be raised. If verification fails, an exception should be raised. Otherwise, the verifier outputs True. Optionally, the implementation can choose to return the parsed statement.

::: remark Availability of the short form While the short form as described here is applicable to all Sigma protocols currently covered by this document, it cannot be used for protocols where T is not uniquely determined by c and s, as is the case, e.g., for ZKBoo [@USENIX:GiaMadOrl16], one-out-of-many proofs [@EC:GroKoh15], or protocols, where a randomized signature is sent and proven correct subsequently, e.g., [@RSA:PoiSan16; @AC:CamChaShe08].

A trade-off is presented, e.g., by Bobolz et al. [@EPRINT:BEHF21], requiring an additional algorithm to shorten a full transcript to a compressed form which still allows for unique reconstruction of the transcript. :::

2.4. Input validation


3. Sigma protocols on elliptic curves

The following section now presents concrete instantiations for of Sigma protocols over elliptic curves.

::: remark Protocols for residue classes Because of their dominance, the presentation in the following focuses on proof goals over elliptic curves, therefore leveraging additive notation. For prime-order subgroups of residue classes, all notation needs to be changed to multiplicative, and references to elliptic curves (e.g., curve) need to be replaced by their respective counterparts over residue classes. :::

3.1. Ciphersuite Registry

We advise for the use of prime-order elliptic curves of size either 256 or 512 bits, depending on the desired security of the upper layers in the protocolFor instance, proving a DH relation with one fixed group element such as a public key, might expose the protocol to cryptanalytic attacks such as Brown-Gallant [@EPRINT:BroGal04] and Cheon's attack [@EC:Cheon06], and some implementations might opt for larger curve sizes. We consider these attacks out of scope for this standardization effort, and believe this analysis should be deferred to the concrete security study of the larger protocol..

::: center Curve Identifier Security Level Sources ----------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------- P-521 '-p-521' 256 [@fips2] P-256 '-p-256' 128 [@fips2] secp256k1 '-secp256k1' 128 [@SECG] Ristretto '-ristretto' 128 [@cfrg-ristretto-decaf] BLS12-381 '-bls12-381' 128 [@bls12] :::

We denote with GG the prime-order elliptic curve group, with GF(p) the scalar field, and with G the generator of GG chosen as per the curve parameters. We assume that all above curve parameters also provide the following group operations: check for equality, identity, addition, and scalar multiplication. Optionally, implementation might implement Pippenger's algorithm [@pippenger] for multi-scalar multiplication. In addition, we consider:

  • an identifier for the curve, chosen from the table above, and denoted curve;

  • a deterministic sub-procedure a = FromBytes(b), taking as input a bit string b of length 32 bytes, and mapping it into an element a <-$- GF(p);

  • a deterministic sub-procedure s = Serialize(P), taking as input a group element P in GG and returning a fixed-length sequence of bits. For elliptic curve groups, Serialize must provide a compressed representation of the affine representation, such as the x-coordinate of P and one bit determining the sign of Y.

  • a deterministic sub-procedure P = Deserialize(s), taking a (fixed-length and curve-dependent) sequence of bits and returning an elliptic curve point. This procedure may raise an exception or output None if the conversion fails.

3.2. Maurer proofs

We describe an abstract class for proving knowledge of a preimage under an arbitrary group homomorphism, which is a mapping between two groups respecting the structure of the groups. In particular, as will be discussed in #sec:instantiations, many statements related to discrete logarithms or representations in groups of prime order, can be expressed as statements over group homomorphisms. For an in-depth discussion of the underlying theory we refer to Cramer [@cramer97].

Definition 1. For two groups GG_1, GG_2, a function \varphi:GG_1 -> GG_2:x\mapsto\varphi(x) is a (group) homomorphism, if and only if for all a, b in GG_1 it holds that \varphi(a+b)=\varphi(a)+\varphi(b). :::

Readers not familiar with the notation of group homomorphism may think of \varphi as a linear function from n elements into m elements.

::: example Discrete logarithm equality phi_DLEQ Looking at the relation R_DLEQ, the relevant homomorphism is given by: f_DLEQ : GF(p) -> GG^2 : w\mapsto (wG, wH) If equality of discrete logarithms within different groups of the same prime order p is to be proven, the homomorphism to be considered would be: f_DLEQ' : GF(p) -> GG_1\timesGG_2 : w\mapsto (wG, wH) where G and H would now be generators for GG_1 and GG_2, respectively. All the techniques discussed in the remainder of this spec equally apply to both cases. :::

::: example Representation phi_REP Looking at the relation {R_rep}, the relevant homomorphism is given by:

\varphi_rep : GF(p)^2 -> GG : (w_1, w_2)\mapsto w_1 G + w_2 H.


We provide a generic template for all Sigma protocols for statements of the following form over DLOG groups:

R_dl = { ((Y_1, ... , Y_m), (w_1, ... , w_n)) in GG^m * GF(p)^n: (Y_1, ... , Y_m)=\varphi(w_1, ... , w_n) }

where \varphi:GF(p)^n -> GG^m is a group homomorphism.

::: remark Selective disclosure of witnesses Note that in the following descriptions, all witnesses are assumed to be kept secret, i.e., none of them is disclosed to the verifier. In case it is required to disclose w[j], as is the case, e.g., in the context of attribute-based credential systems, the relation to be proven can be rewritten as follows:

R_dl'= { \begin{array}{r} ((Y_1', ... , Y_m')), (w_1, ... , w_{j-1}, w_{j+1}, ... , w_n)) in GG^m \times GF(p)^{n-1}: ~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Y_1', ... , Y_m')=\psi(w_1, ... , w_{j-1}, w_{j+1}, ... , w_n) \end{array} }


(Y_1', ... , Y_m') = (Y_1, ... , Y_m)-\varphi(0, ... , 0, w[j], 0, ... , 0)\text{ and}\\
  \psi(w_1, ... , w_{j-1}, w_{j+1}, ... , w_n) = \varphi(w_1, ... , w_{j-1}, 0, w_{j+1}, ... , w_n).

However, the following defines neither the morphism nor the label associated to the protocol. These will be defined later in the specific protocols.

  •, Y_vec) internally stores Y_vec and ctx.


(T_vec, pstate) <- DlogTemplate.prover_commit(w_vec)

sample random elements r_1, ... , r_n <- GF(p)
T_vec =(T_1, ... , T_m)=\varphi(r_1, ... , r_n)
pstate = (r_1, ... , r_n)
return (T_vec, pstate)


s_vec <- DlogTemplate.prover_response(pstate, c):
(r_1, ... , r_n)= pstate
(w_1, ... , w_n)= w_vec
e = FromBytes(c)
for i = 1, ... , n: s_i = r_i + e * w_i
return s_vec = (s_1, ... , s_n)
  • DlogTemplate.label() return morphism_label().


DlogTemplate.verifier(T_vec, c, s_vec)

(s_1, ... , s_n) = s_vec
(T_1, ... , T_m) = T_vec
e = FromBytes(c)
for i = 1, ... , n: check s_i in GF(p)
for j = 1, ... , m: check T[j] in GG
return ((T_1 + eY_1, ... , T_m + eY_m) = \varphi(s_1, ... , s_n))


s_vec = DlogTemplate.simulate_response()

sample random elements `s_1, ... , s_n <-`-GF(p)$
return `(s_1, ... , s_n)`


T_vec <- DlogTemplate.simulate_commitment(c, s_vec)

(Y_1, ... , Y_m) = Y_vec
(s_1, ... , s_n) = s_vec
e = FromBytes(c)
(T_1, ... , T_m) = \varphi(s_1, ... , s_n) - e*(Y_1, ... , Y_m)
return T_vec = (s_1, ... , s_n)

3.3. Linear relations

While the above protocol allows one to efficiently prove knowledge of a pre-image under a homomorphism, many protocols found in the literature require one to prove relations among witnesses. Specifically, they require to prove relations like the following:

R_lin = {
  ((Y_1, ... , Y_m), (w_1, ... , w_n)) :
  \begin{array}{c} (Y_1, ... , Y_m)=\varphi(w_1, ... , w_n) \\
              A*(w_1, ... , w_n)^ in tercal = (b_1, ... , b_k)^ in tercal\end{array}},

where the matrix A in GF(p)^{k\times n} and vector (b_1, ... , b_k) in GF(p)^k specify the system of linear equations.

In the following, we sketch how such relations can be translated into relations of the form discussed in (#sec:basic_sigma). We assume that A is of the following form:

A = \left(\begin{array}{cccccccc}
  a_{11}     & ...       & a_{1k}    & 1         & 0       & 0     & ...    & 0\\
  a_{21}     & ...       & a_{2k}    & 0         & 1       & 0     & ...    & \vdots\\
  \vdots     &             & \vdots    & \vdots    &         & \vdots&          & 0\\
  \vdots     &             & \vdots    & \vdots    &         & 0     & 1        & 0\\
  a_{k1}     & ...       & a_{kk}    & 0         & ...   & ... & 0        & 1\\

Note that this is without loss of generality. If the system of linear equations has a different form, the above form can always be achieved using Gaussian elimination [@shoup08 Sec. 14.4] and re-ordering of the witnesses. Note that we only need to consider the case where k<n, as otherwise the linear equations would uniquely determine the witnesses, which is not desirable in our context.

The following relation {R_lin}' is now equivalent to that specified by {R_lin}:

R_lin' = { ((Y_1, ... , Y_m), (w_1, ... , w_{n-k})) : (Y_1, ... , Y_m) = \psi(w_1, ... , w_{n-k}) }


\psi(w_1, ... , w_{n-k}) = \varphi(w_1, ... , w_{n-k}, -\sum_{i = 1}^{n-k}a_{1i}w_i, ... , -\sum_{i = 1}^{n-k}a_{ki}w_i)\text{ and}
(Y_1', ... , Y_m') = (Y_1, ... , Y_m) - \varphi(0, ... , 0, b_1, ... , b_k).

3.4. Examples

Let GG be a group over an elliptic curve with prime order p. Denote with G in GG a generator of GG.

3.4.1. Schnorr signatures

Schnorr signatures prove knowledge of the discrete logarithm w in GF(p) of a point Y = wG in base G.

  • \varphi:GF(p) -> GG:w -> wG

  • Schnorr.morphism_label(): return:


For a description of this proof goal in the general case of residue classes, we also refer to [@zkproof-reference 1.4.1].

3.4.2. Discrete logarithm equality

So-called DLEQ proofs prove equality of the discrete logarithm, that is: Y_1 = wG and Y_2 = wH.

  • \varphi:GF(p) -> GG^2:w\mapsto (wG, wH)

  • Dleq.morphism_label(): return


3.4.3. Diffie-Hellman

Let GG be a group over an elliptic curve with prime order p. Proving knowledge of the exponents of a valid Diffie-Hellman triple means proving knowledge of w_1, w_2 in GF(p) such that Y_1= w_1G, Y_2= w_2G, and Y_3= w_1 w_2 G. The mapping GF(p)^2 -> GG^3:(w_1, w_2)\mapsto (w_1G, w_2G, w_1w_2G) is not a homomorphism, and consequently the basic protocol presented before cannot be deployed directly. However, the required multiplicative relation can be proven by observing that the proof goal is equivalent to Y_1= w_1G, Y_2= w_2G, and Y_3= w_2Y_1, leading the homomorphism

  • \varphi:GF(p)^2 -> GG^3:(w_1, w_2)\mapsto(w_1G, w_2G, w_2Y_1)

  • Dh.morphism_label() return:


As shown in this example, and in contrast to linear relations, multiplicative relations among witnesses typically require a reformulation of the proof goal.

3.4.4. Representation

Let GG be a group over an elliptic curve of prime order p, and let G_1, ... , G_m be generators of GG. Proving knowledge of a valid opening of a Pedersen commitment means proving knowledge of w_1, w_2, ... , w_m in GF(p) such that Y = w_1G_1 + w_2G_2 + ... + w_m G_m.

  • \varphi:GF(p)^m -> GG:(w_1, w_2, ... , w_m)\mapsto \sum_i w_iG_i

  • Rep.morphism_label() returns

    \hash({representation}, ~{curve}\mathbf{\mid}~Serialize(G_1) , ~*s , ~Serialize(G_m) , ~Serialize(Y))$

::: example Range proofs via bit decomposition Let GG be a cyclic group of prime order p, and let G and H be generators of GG, and let \ell be a non-negative integer satisfying \ell<\log_2 p. Consider the following relation:

R_range = \set{\left(Y, (w_1, w_2))\right)~:~Y = w_1 G +w_2 H ~\land~ w_1 in [0, 2^\ell)

Multiple techniques for proving that a secret witness lies within a certain range, cf. Morais et al. [@range-proof-survey] for a survey. We will use the so-called bit decomposition approach.

To do so, the prover computes w_{1, i} in \set{0, 1} for i =0, ... , \ell-1 such that w_1=\sum_{i =0}^{\ell-1}2^iw_{1, i}, and computes commitments to those individual bits, i.e., Y_i = w_{1, i}G+w_{2, i}H for w_{2, i} <-- GF(p)$. Furthermore, it sets w^*= w_2-\sum_{i =0}^{\ell-1}2^iw_{2, i}.

Assuming that the discrete logarithm problem is hard in GG, the above relation is now equivalent to the following relation:

  {R_range}' = \bigg\{\left((Y, (Y_i)_{i =0}^{\ell-1}), (w_1, w_2, (w_{2, i})_{i =0}^{\ell-1}), w^*)\right)~:~         Y = w_1 G +w_2 H ~\land~ \\
    Y-\sum_{i =0}^{\ell-1} 2^iY_i = w^* H ~\land~  \\
    \bigwedge_{i =0}^{\ell-1} \left(Y_i = w_{2, i}H ~\lor~ Y_i-G = w_{2, i}H\right)\bigg\}.

It can now be seen that the above ensures knowledge of the witnesses w_1 hidden within Y. Furthermore, we guarantee that the values hidden within Y_i correctly add up to w_1, i.e., that w_1-\sum_{i =0}^{\ell-1}2^iw_{1, i}=0. Finally, the two clauses ensure that each Y_i is a commitment to either 0 or 1, thus implying the bound on w_1.

The different clauses can finally be composed using nested protocol compositions from (#sec:composition). :::

3.5. Batch verification

The batchable form can take advantage of the following fact. Given \ell verification equations of the form:

T_i + c_i Y_i = \sum[j] s[j] G_{i, j}

for i = 1, ... , \ell, the verifier can sample a random vector of coefficients a_vec in GF(p)^\ell and instead test:

\left(\sum_{i = 1}^{\ell} a_i T_i\right) + \left(\sum_{i = 1}^{\ell} a_i * c_i Y_i \right) = \left(\sum_{i = 1}^{\ell} a_i * \sum[j] s[j] G_{i, j}\right).

If the matrix G_{i, j} of generators has identical rows, by linearity the right-hand side can be computed as a single scalar product. If the statements Y_i's have identical rows, by linearity the second term in the equation can be computed as a single scalar product.

In any case, the test can be efficiently implemented as a single multi-scalar multiplication, minimizing the number of group operations needed:

\left(\sum_{i = 1}^{\ell} a_i T_i\right) + \left(\sum_{i = 1}^{\ell} (a_i *  c_i) Y_i \right) + \left(\sum_{i = 1}^{\ell}\sum[j] (-a_i *  s[j]) G_{i, j}\right) = 0

The random vector a_vec can be deterministically generated by fixing a_1 = 1 and setting (a_2, ... , a_{\ell}) =\prg(H(c, s_vec)) [@bip-schnorr].

4. Composing the same relation

5. Encoding the statement

Statements in Sigma protocols take the form of a labeled binary tree: Statement is either:

Statements are serialized depth-first. There are many different options for serialization that could be considered:

6. Composition of Sigma Protocols

Sigma protocols can be composed to prove knowledge of multiple independent witnesses (AND composition), and for proving knowledge for one out of a set of witnesses (OR composition). An object SigmaProtocol can be seen as a recursive enumeration

    enum SigmaProtocol {
      AndComposition {left: SigmaProtocol, right: SigmaProtocol},
      OrComposition  {left: SigmaProtocol, right: SigmaProtocol},

whose instances expose the methods described above. The dots [...] denote (optional) Sigma protocols instantiations that will be covered later. Without loss of generality, the techniques presented in the following focus on the composition of two protocols. Composition of multiple protocols (e.g., proving knowledge of a witness for one out of many statements) can be achieved by recursively applying composition of two protocols.

6.1. AND Composition

In this section we show how to construct a Sigma protocol proving knowledge of multiple independent witnesses, e.g., knowledge of multiple secret keys, or openings to multiple commitments. That is, a Sigma protocol for the following relation:

R_and = {
  ((Y_0, Y_1), (w_0, w_1) : (Y_0, w_0) in R_0 AND (Y_1, w_1) in R_1

For the rest of this section, the witness w for the Sigma protocol will now be a pair (w_0, w_1) of witnesses, and the associated statement Y will be a pair (Y_0, Y_1) of statements, where w_0 is the witness for the statement Y_0, and w_1 is the witness for Y_1.

Intuitively, the AND composition simply runs the instances of the different protocols to be composed in parallel, using the same challenge c for both instances. The verifier will then accept the protocol run, if and only if all instances of the partial protocols output True.

The resulting Sigma protocol is specified by the following algorithms:


`, left, right)`: internally store `left` and `right`.


(T_vec, pstate) <- AndComposition.prover_commit(w_vec)
(w_0, w_1) = w_vec
(T_0, pstate_0) <- left.prover_commit(w_0)
(T_1, pstate_1) <- right.prover_commit(w_1)
return (T_vec, pstate) = ((T_0,  T_1), (pstate_0, pstate_1))


s_vec <- AndComposition.prover_response(pstate, c)

(pstate_0, pstate_1)= pstate
s_0 <- left.prover_response(pstate_0, c)
s_1 <- right.prover_response(pstate_1, c)
return s_vec = (s_0, s_1)


AndComposition.verifier(T_vec, c, s_vec)

(s_0, s_1)= s_vec
return (left.verifier(T_0, c, s_0) and right.verifier(T_1, c, s_1))


AndComposition.label() is computed as:

  H(({and-composition}\mathbf{\mid}~`left.label()` , ~`right.label()`)

The supported hash functions are described in [@draft-orru-zkproof-fs].



s_0 <- left.simulate_response()
s_1 <- right.simulate_response()
return s_vec = (s_0, s_1)


AndComposition.simulate_commitment(c, s_vec)

(s_0, s_1) = s_vec
T_0 <- left.simulate_commitment(c, s_0)
T_1 <- right.simulate_commitment(c, s_1)
return T_vec = (T_0, T_1)

::: warning Witness equality Note that the AND-composition defined in the following gives no guarantee about equality of the witnesses: if the same witness is used across different clauses of the AND-composition, the protocol will not guarantee that they are indeed the same. How to achieve such claims is discussed in (#sec:linear_relations). :::

6.2. OR Composition

In the following we explain how to construct a Sigma protocol proving knowledge of one out of a set of witnesses, for instance one of a set of secret keys (like ring signatures). That is, the algorithms specified below constitute a Sigma protocol for the following relation:

R_or = {
    ((Y_0, Y_1), (w_0, w_1) :
    (Y_0, w_0) in  R_0 OR (Y_1, w_1) in R_1

The statement Y is the pair (Y_0, Y_1) of the composing statements, and the witness w is the pair (w_0, w_1) of the witnesses for the respective relation. One of the witness can be set to None. In the following protocol specification, let j be such that w[j] is known to the prover, whereas without loss of generality w[1-j] is assumed to be unknown to the prover.

On a high level, the protocol works as follows. Using the simulator, the prover first simulates a transcript for the unknown witness (keeping the challenge and response of this transcript temporarily secret), and generates an honest commitment for the known witness. Having received the challenge, the prover then computes challenge for the known witness, depending on the received challenge and the one from the simulated transcript. Having computed the response, the prover transfers the responses of both transcripts, as well as the partial challenges to the verifier, who accepts if and only if both instances of the partial protocols output True and the partial challenges correctly add up to the random challenge.

The main procedures of the resulting Sigma protocol are specified by the following algorithms:

  •, left, right): internally store left and right.



Prover = [left, right]
(w_0, w_1) = w_vec, and let j in [0, 1] be the first index for which w[j] != None
(T[j], pstate[j]) <- Prover[j].prover_commit(Y[j], w[j])
s[1-j] <- Prover[1-j].simulate_response()
choose a random c[1-j] in \mathcal{C}
T[1-j] <- Prover[1-j].simulate_commitment(c[1-j], s[1-j])
return (T_vec, pstate) = ((T_0, T_1), (pstate[j], c[1-j], s[1-j]))


OrComposition.prover_response(pstate, c)

(pstate[j], c[1-j], s_[1-j])= pstate
c[j]= c XOR c[1-j]
s[j] <- Prover[j].prover_response(pstate[j], c[j])
return s_vec = (s_0, s_1, c_0)


OrComposition.verifier(T_vec, c, s_vec)

(s_0, s_1, c_0) = s_vec
c_1= c\oplus c_0
return (left.verifier(T_0, c_0, s_0) and right.verifier(T_1, c_1, s_1))
  • OrComposition.label() is computed as:

    H(({or-composition}\mathbf{\mid}~`left.label()` , ~`right.label()`)



(Y_0, Y_1) = Y_vec
s_0 <- left.simulate_response()
s_1 <- right.simulate_response()
choose a random `c_0` in $\mathcal{C}
return s_vec = (s_0, s_1, c_0)


T_vec <- OrComposition.simulate_commitment(c, s_vec)

(s_0, s_1, c_0) = s_vec
c_1 = c XOR c_0
T_0 <- left.simulate_commitment(c_0, s_0)
T_1 <- right.simulate_commitment(c_1, s_1)
return T_vec = (T_0, T_1)

7. Additional proof types

Other protocols are not included here and are not part of the scope of the current version of this spec.

8. Test vectors

9. Acknowledgments

Jan Bobolz, Mary Maller, Ivan Visconti, Yuwen Zhang.

Authors' Addresses

Michele Orrù
Stephan Krenn